I was talking to my husband about wanting to work out again. I was giving all of the excuses; my knee is bad, I’m out of shape, it’s too expensive, I don’t have time, I don’t know what to do, etc… My husband looked at me and said “Just go for a walk.”
My husbands sweet comment made me realize how I can complicate things before I ever get started. No wonder I make excuses and don’t want to do it. My desire to get into shape is there, but if I’m not willing to start with the small, like go for a walk, why would I think that I could join Crossfit? This also made me realize how I do this in so many different areas of life. I complicate a task in my head and feel defeated before I even start. So what if I start with the small?
When I feel overwhelmed with cleaning the house: “Just wipe down the counters.”
When I want to have people over but don’t know what to cook: “Just order pizza.”
When I’m feeling lonely: “Just text a friend.”
When I want to dig deeper with Jesus; “Just open the Bible.”
I find when I start with the small it paves the way to take the next step. It builds courage and confidence. It lends itself to more creativity and connection. We are constantly being bombarded with messages of the world to go big, be busy, do more, to go fast, etc… There is definitely a time and place for all of that, but if I’m not faithful in the small I will only be easily overwhelmed and burnt out by the big.
As you head into the week I encourage you to start with the small. What are you wanting to start or what might you be feeling overwhelmed by that can be broken down into smaller pieces?
If you do start with something small and want to share I’d love to know. You can always reply with a comment here on the blog. Or if you share on social media you can tag @dwellandmade to encourage others as well.