not about us

Hospitality isn’t about us. It seeks to give and to care for. When we make it about our homes, the food or our personal inconvenience we’ve missed the point. When we take the focus off of ourselves the door is flung wide open to ways in which we can care for others.

spontaneous hospitality

Spontaneous Hospitality. While I love a good planned out dinner party, I’m learning more about spontaneous hospitality.

Reflecting on last year when spontaneous hospitality looked like teaming up with a friend to take a store bought meal to a new mom in town. Her toddler had been in the hospital. I tried to be stealth in just dropping at the door step and leaving, but her dog caught me and so did the woman. She came out and gave me a big hug. When I told my friend about my botched effort she said “maybe all she really needed was a hug.”

When we are eager and obedient to being hospitable God will use us to give people what they need, not what we think they need.

set your mind above

Can I encourage you ( and myself) to start your days with scripture instead of your phone?? I know, it’s a challenge. The first thing I do in the morning is touch my phone to turn off the alarm. Checking a few things on various apps helps me to wake up and slowly enter into the world I so desperately want to ignore by falling back asleep.
But the days I do avoid the temptation, roll out of bed, grab coffee and open the Bible first are different. The days aren’t better necessarily, but just different in a really peaceful kind of way.
Maybe it’s just one verse in Psalms or an entire book of the Bible. But there is power and beauty to starting our day by “setting our minds on the things above” (Colossians 3:2).

simple hospitality

Hospitality at its finest and yet most comforting. A friend invited me to tagalong with her on an errand. Inviting me in to the ordinary. I love this! When I arrived at her house she asked, “Do you want a coffee with homemade cashew milk?” Yes! I answered. She replied, “Good, because I already made you one.” She anticipated my arrival. This is hospitality. It wasn’t for show. It was my friend doing her thing and inviting me into it.
Who can you invite in today? It doesn’t have to be fancy. Maybe it’s going to Costco together or going for a walk or making valentines for your kids class. Ask someone to join you doing your thing. Because chances are they’re doing that thing too and how great to do it together.

Have more by doing less

A friend and I were asking ourselves, “How do we get caught up on everything in order to have the head space and physical space to be our best selves?” It seems we’re just getting by. Just staying on top of the necessities of life and not having time (quality time) for the others.
I want to create better rhythms in my life so I can have more (quality time) by doing less (simplifying the necessary tasks in life).
How would you fill in the blanks for yourself? I want more __________ by doing less_________. You don’t really have to share. Just some food for thought. ☺️
My 8 yr old daughter said “I want more kindness by doing less hurtfulness.”


I reached a goal today! I turned in my manuscript to the publisher. That was my goal. Just send it in. No turning back now. I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted, yet my stomach is churning at the same time. I am beyond thrilled to share the words God has put on my heart and I am absolutely terrified at the same time. Which leaves a blank slate for new goals. Until then, I’ll just try to survive the waiting period until the book is published. I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot of baking in the next few months.


Do you know what inspires me? Creativity. I was trying to think of the words to express this and then I came across the post. @delightandbe says it better than I could have.
#Repost@delightandbe with @get_repost
“Creativity is not limited by artistic ability; creativity goes beyond a paintbrush or a guitar. It is problem-solving, connecting, presenting, mothering, inventing, etc. Creativity is the business woman who so beautifully balances work and life, the mother who problem solves and creates minute-to-minute in order to cultivate a home of love for her children, the consultant who has the admirable gift and art of conversation and connection. The writer, the musician, the poet, and the painter lie in the same green pasture as equals with these professions. God created all of us in His image: creators.”
— Michelle Enriquez from her article in Volume 3 of the #delightandbemagazine, Called To Be Creative


Is it ok to quote myself? “We find our identity in all of the worldly fruit we can show to people. We believe less fruit would mean we are less than. That is a lie Satan wants us to believe. He wants us to believe more equals better, more equals worth, more equals success. But more is breaking us.”
What can I cut back in life so I can flourish? This has been the question at the heart of all I have been writing. When more is breaking me, when more is a lie, when more doesn’t mean abundance, I have to ask myself what I need to cut back. And then make the cut.


Whenever I get stuck I put on my shoes. I know, it sounds strange, but it’s the only step I know to do to get me moving, mentally and physically. Because I stay home during the day it can be easy to be lazy and not getting anything done. It can be easy to distract myself with all of things except to keep my butt in the chair to write. It’s almost as if I have to pretend to play the role I need to be. Want to work out? Put on gym shoes. Want to clean? Put on those converse. Want to be a writer? Put on some ankle booties. It could be anything. Want to bake? Get out the eggs. Want to cook? Put on an apron. Need a friend? Pick up the phone. Need to write? Type one sentence, any sentence. Take a step, any step and it will get you unstuck. Then take another. If anything, try putting on your shoes.


Brainstorming is like dumping all of the ideas out and figuring out how it will all go together. I know what I want the puzzle to look like, but will it actually all come together? Sometimes it does, but most of the time the puzzle ends up not looking like what I thought. But I’ve learned if I surrender and just put each piece into place the picture ends up being more beautiful in the end.